Design and planning tips for salon owners

You’ve found the perfect location, you’ve signed the lease, and now all that’s left to do is create a space that customers gravitate to. Planning and designing your own salon can be a very rewarding and exciting experience. Be that as it may, if you don’t carefully plan and budget, it can also be a real pain in the neck and a wasted investment. Though the development stages of any business will give you a few headaches, here are a few tips to minimize the stresses so you can enjoy creating a space that will be branded as your own.

  1. Make a list of the essentials

Women talking over a pedicure

When it comes to planning and designing your salon, you want to try and stay on budget so that you’re not starting your business off with more debt than you can afford. The best way to stay on budget is to create a list of essentials so that you don’t spend money on things that aren’t absolutely necessary. Some things that you might invest more in would include a front desk, waiting area chairs, a pedicure spa chair or lounge, workstations, and mirrors.

While you’ll want to scale back on the spending in some areas, you definitely want to pull out all the stops when it comes to investing in salon equipment. Ideally, this is what will attract the customers and keep them coming back. Once you’ve created a list of things you need, you’re going to list the things you’re willing to splurge on so that you can then make a corresponding list of things you can save on. For instance, you may decide that purchasing a used desk and chair for the receptionist is ideal until you start bringing in more money. Or maybe you can buy certain supplies in bulk such as gloves, polishes, and massage lotions.

  1. Design with functionality and convenience in mind

Happy hair salon owner or employee with customers in the background

Although this is your shop and it should appeal to your personal interests, you must also keep functionality and convenience in mind with layout and design. While you may like the idea of dim lighting and dark colored walls, is this really the best atmosphere to do hair and nails? Your beauticians and technicians will not be able to see what they are doing, therefore providing a lowered standard of performance. You’ll want to include plenty of lighting and use lighter paint colors to give your space an open look and feel. Of course, there are always ways to integrate your own personal style, even if you decide to make your personal office a bit more grown and sexy.

  1. Keep spacing in mind

Situation in a Hair Salon

While you ultimately want to build so much clientele that you’re raking in a considerable amount of profits each month, you don’t want to overdo it when it comes to the spacing of work stations. Both hair and nail techs need enough space to be able to store their supplies and move around to accommodate the styling of the hair or design of the nails. Cramming too many workstations close together creates the potential for low quality results, which is the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish.

  1. Less is more

Young girl in a barbershop

As you’re planning the design and layout for your salon, you should bear in mind that less is more. When you have too many things all piled on top of each other, it can give off the appearance of a cluttered unkempt environment, which is the quickest way to lose customers. Make sure that your designs are clean and open so that it provides an open, warm, environment.

Designing your salon will take a few rough drafts before you actually bring it all together. Working with an interior decorator who specializes in salons and beauty shops is ideal to get ideas and tips on what is best for your space that also encompasses your style interests. Once you’re done creating the space, all that’s left to do is open the doors for business and watch the customers come rolling in.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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