The ideal daily skin care regimen

skin1This is the first post on Skin Care and nothing could go better than the skin care basics. In a recent article in ABC7 Dr. Michael A. Epstein’s of Transcend Advanced Skincare Center gives a couple of tips to liven up your daily skin care routine. The tips are as follows:

1. When out in the sun or indoors in a summer morning, use a sunscreen lotion with a minimum SPF 30.

2. Give-up smoking if you want to say a final good-bye to ageing.

3. Please drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated and to reduce wrinkles.

4. Use retinoic acid daily to save your skin from sun damage and ageing.

5. A regular intake of Vitamin C, preferably in terms of fruits will provide you with natural collagen.

6. Use a moisturizer with SPF combination daily to keep your skin hydrated

You can bet on these for a naturally glowing skin that says no to any artificial repairs.

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