Ways to Coax Your Child Away From Gadgets and Games


With the advancements of technology leaping to new heights almost on a daily basis, it’s no wonder that all of us find some type of game or application to lure us in multiple times a day. If you have kids, and kids with cell phones, it can be easy for them to fall into the trap of playing these repetitively. Over time, it can be easy for them to be addicted to playing and checking their phones around the clock. Unfortunately, this can distract them from everyday life, including homework and engaging in human activity. Here are a few ways that you may able to coax your child away from the gadgets and spend some quality face to face time with them again.

Getting Them Interested in Playing Sports

Getting-Them-Interested-in-Playing-Sports.One way to lure a child away from their electronic device is to have them get a new interest in some physical activity. This starts with finding a sport that they are interested in and encourage them to try out. You can get them excited about the sport by buying them some custom items to help spark a true interest. For example, a shirt with their favorite team or their name on it. Or custom basketball socks that they can wear while they’re training or at school. This will also get the attention of other children who may then also be interested in getting their own gear to show off their team and favorite player support. Becoming more sports-minded means more time outside practicing and less time playing games on their phones. After-school and weekend practices also can take up a lot of extra time which in turn your child can learn more physical exercises and also the rules of good sportsmanship.

Doing Outdoor Activities as a Family

There’s something about certain outdoor activities that draw families closer. Camping is one of them. It allows you to spend time together as a group, but it also gives you a chance to show your kids how to set up camp, safely start a campfire and be able to prep and cook for themselves. It’s also great for family bonding time without electronic devices. There are plenty of outdoor things to engage in while camping. Swimming, hiking, and bike riding are just some of the things you can do while spending time with your child. Trying new things like canoeing or kayaking are things that promote physical activity and also allow everyone to enjoy the water and the great outdoors.

Promote a New Hobby

Promote a New HobbyEven being involved with sports can still leave some time open for playing video games and watching television shows. Limiting the time that your child devotes to their electronics is a good starting point. But giving them something that may interest them further is important. This starts with giving them a new hobby to partake in. Depending on their age, they may wish to get into painting or BMX riding. It may take some time to figure out what your child wants to do and what is within the right budget too. Some hobbies can be expensive. If money is an issue, try finding something that they can still enjoy while not breaking the bank at the same time.

Keep Them Engaged in Chores

With outdoor activities, sports and hobbies, there’s a lot to keep your child busy. But because kids need change and they often get bored of certain things, it’s important to give them something repetitive to do each day in the form of household chores. Depending on their age and physical strength it can be anything from taking out the garbage, cleaning their room or pulling weeds in the yard. Keeping your child engaged in daily chores teaches them responsibility and commitment.

They should also make sure that they get all of their homework completed as needed and focus on what’s next in the classroom. These are small examples of chores and activities they can do on a specific schedule. All should deter them away from being on their phones, video games and iPads continuously. Once they complete their chores and other activities around the house, then they can have some designated time on a specific electronic device.

It can be challenging to get your child to avoid electronics. By adding other non-electronic activities to their daily schedules, your one step closer to allowing your child to detach from computerized devices.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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