Versatility of Pomegranate in treating damaged skin

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Pomegranate is proven to be rich in anti-oxidants, which makes it an apt fruit for fighting the free radicals in skin and saving it from damage. Facts provide that the extracts of pomegranate is useful for killing the free radicals that cause skin cancer. Moreover the pomegranate seed oil is used as an anti-ageing ingredient due to the presence of polyphenols and anthocyanidins. You can use the following pomegranate pack for clearing skin blemishes and as a coolant and tan remover.

Make a fine paste of pomegranate seeds and a spoonful of green tea extract. Apply a fine layer of the paste all over your face and clean it with cold water.

The above paste can be used as an exfoliate and the fruit juice of pomegranate can be used as a skin toner.

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