Sexy colours for hair mascara this Fall

There are many things related to mascara and a quick search will tell you, it isn’t meant just for the eyes. Yes, you can add mascara to your hair too. Isn’t that wonderful now? Most of the brands sell waterproof mascara of numerous colours. You can choose your brand and your colour and then mix and match accordingly. There are more than enough sellers of different kind of mascaras and you will not be bereft of choices.

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The Colour Mix

Go wild on your hair and spray it with every other colour. Make sure all the colours are waterproof. Otherwise, your mix will be its own version of mix. Look for colours that complement each other. Use a sensible brush to do the thing. Otherwise, you will spend hours and hours colouring your hair. Highlighting it with a wide brush makes sense some times.

The more the Merrier is not Valid in this Case

Even if you are mixing up colours, ensure that you aren’t doing something stupid. Unless, you really want to make a rainbow on your head and look like you are headed out for a fancy dress, be careful. See what colours you are using and then accordingly add them to your hair.

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Stick to your Favourite

Every girl has favourite hair mascara that is incomparable to any other kind of mascara. Thus, if you just cannot decide on what kind of hair mascara you should be using, pick out your favourite one, wear it and head out.

Your Best Brand

If you are trying a new and wild brand to match up with the colours of the fall, stick to the brand that has been most faithful to you. You don’t want things to go awry just because you used a wrong brand. Hence, ensure that you are using the right kind of brand for your hair mascara.

Some brands have limited colours and in such cases, you can exchange with your friends so that you don’t end up buying any trash. Detail your hair well while using a lovely mascara colour and see where it goes. It will bring a change to your overall personality and you will feel all the more confident.

Summary – So, you didn’t know something like hair mascara existed? Well, it does and here is how you use it.

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