Laser treatments for the skin and the body

Since the very dawn of time, people have wanted to reverse the effect of ageing on the skin so as to look younger. Technology has finally reached a point where the use of laser can provide a variety of treatments to the skin from smoothing out wrinkles to removing unwanted hair to tightening the skin. For instance, pixel skin resurfacing can repair skin damage by acne or scarring by removing surface layers of skin and stimulating the skin underneath to grow healthy and smooth. You can get all the benefits of chemical or abrasive smoothening without the pain and a much shorter time to heal.

Another major use of laser technology is in the removal of unwanted hair. This represents a major cosmetic issue for both men and women and long-term solutions have been missing. Lasers use just enough heat energy to damage the hair follicle in the area that is being treated so that it cannot regenerate or renew hair. The treatment is safe and painless though several sessions may be required to achieve a permanent result.

Weight loss is a major problem for many people because there are pockets of fat in the body that simply will not respond to traditional diet and exercise regimes. With the use of laser, a technique called body sculpting has evolved, which involves reshaping the body surgically. The heat from the laser is used to liquefy the fat pockets and the liquid fat is then removed with the help of a vacuum. The procedure is highly effective, especially on smaller areas where liposuction may be difficult.

In the Zerona procedure, a low-level laser that does not generate any heat is used to perform the procedure. It is not invasive, and low level lasers have no recorded side effects. The patient feels absolutely nothing and recovery time is minimal. You must keep in mind that this is not a crash weight loss program but a programme to remove fat and sculpt your body for the best possible results.

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