There’s No Vacation From Skin Care

Everybody loves to go on vacation. Whether you happen to be into sun and sand, or slopes and snow boards, a little time away from all the boring yet stressful parts of your life can be just the rejuvenation you need, to get back to things energized and ready to build a better life. But, of course, even on vacation, you still have some responsibilities. While no one wants to think of serious chapping, let alone melanoma skin cancer, these are both potential hazards, which can be magnified by the weather conditions you may encounter while you are on vacation. So whether you happen to be going on cruises or skiing on the Alps, you may want to take heed of the following tips for on the go skin care.

Pack some dry skin lotion. While many people do not think of this, dry skin can make your entire vacation less comfortable overall. A little lotion applied liberally can make you feel a lot better… and if you happen to be on the beach and on the prowl, it can also help you to look better for the opposite sex.

Also pack the sun screen. Sun screen of at least SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 30 is extremely useful for keeping your skin from developing all sorts of cancerous growths over time. Just apply it half an hour before you plan to go out into the Sun, and the effects will become noticeable overtime. While not everyone who get a lot of sun get cancer, many people develop hard, leathery skin as they grow older – and a great deal of the reason for this is contained in their level of unprotected Sun exposure. Also keep in mind that the Sun’s radiation is only slightly lessened, even by heavy cloud cover. Just because the weather is cold, does not mean you should abandon the use of Sun screen.

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