Eat your way to soft skin with Soybeans

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Soybeans are not only good as a protein source for your system, but also for skin. The protein and vitamin B2 in soybeans will help to metabolize amino acids, which in return rejuvenate the skin and leave it soft and glowing. Moreover the essential fatty acids in soybeans, moisturize your skin naturally without any claims of being organic or otherwise.

Facts provide that soy bean curd were used earlier to cure skin infections as the isoflavones replaced the collagen into the skin, lost due to accident or physical damage. There are lots of soy-based skin care products, but the best way of having a foodstuff work for your skin is eat it. You can incorporate soybeans into your daily diet as stew, soups, curried, soybean milk or curd, tofu, with vegetables, dips and also in salads.

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