6 simple tips to make your nail polish last longer

Nail paints

Nail beautifying treatments are inevitable part of beauty care. Beautifully polished and trimmed nails can make your hands look attractive. But mostly the problem, women tend to face is that whatever quality of nail paint they buy, either cracks off or chips off quite easily, leaving behind, ugly looking nails. The chipping of the nail paints can be avoided with some due precautions. To help you out, we have compiled together, the list of precautions you must take to get back that attractive look for your hand.

1. Wash your nails

Before applying the nail polish, always wash your nails and hand. Soap and lemon juice can be utilized to clean the nails. It will remove the yellow blemishes from your nails. Hydrogen peroxide can be used too, to brighten your nails. Use a soft brush to clean the nail surface. Best results can be attained if nails are dipped in cider or apple vinegar. This would render the polish to stick firmly on the nail surface and thus avoid chipping off nail paint. Chipping and dryness can also be kept at bay with a good moisturizer. Moisturizers can also help in keeping fingers and hand healthy.

2. Remove the residues of old nail polish

Use a branded nail polish remover to ensure effectiveness. Ensure that you completely remove the residues of your old nail polish before you get hold of a new one and start applying it. Use soft cotton or cotton clothes to remove old nail polish.

3. Put a base coat

Fashion experts and nail specialists advise applying a base coat before applying the new nail paint directly. Putting a base coat can give a smooth nail surface and long lasting nail paint. Base coat will keep the polish firm on the nails.

4. Always apply a thin coat

Nail paint should always be applied in coats. So, start with a thin layer of nail paint to color your nails. This initial thin layer would guard the nail paint from chipping. Once the thin coat has completely dried, continue with the second coat, if required.

5. Go for a branded nail paint

Always go for branded nail paint. The price tag might be a little higher and you might have to limit your collection but it would save you from yellow blemishes on your nails. A branded nail polish will never cause stains. Another tip is to store your nail polish in refrigerator.

6. Calcium rich diet

To avoid cracking of the nails, you should take proper care of them. Have calcium-rich food items to maintain the health of your nails. The polished nails should not be used for any hard tasks like scratching or washing dishes. If need be, use nail pads to keep them safe.

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