6 Non-Invasive Cosmetic Treatments to Help You Look & Feel Your Best

Look & Feel Your Best

In the quest to look our best and love ourselves, many people turn to cosmetic surgery, which is both expensive and invasive. Going under the knife has become commonplace, and thousands more people book in for fillers and other invasive procedures every year. To combat this trend, beauticians and cosmetic clinics have developed more and more non-surgical treatments to help people feel great without committing to surgery.

If you want to change up your appearance without the permanence and risk of cosmetic surgery, here are some great ways to get pampered without a knife or needle in sight.

1.     Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is perfect for anyone who is fed up with constant shavingand wants to ditch the razor for good. Common areas include the upper lip, armpit, tummy and intimate regions. Men are also queueing up for this treatment, which has coined the term ‘manscaping’ – a trend that sees increasing numbers of men sculpting their body hair. Men most often book in laser hair removal treatment for back and shoulder hair removal. This treatment isn’t a one-off; it will require up to 6 treatments performed every 4-6 weeks to fully banish hair for good, but once it’s done, you’ll be smooth and hair-free for years to come.

2.     Chemical Peel

A chemical peel involves the application of acid to the skin to remove the top few layers from the skin’s surface. This is to rejuvenate texture and appearance. It is commonly used to combat scarring, acne and signs of ageing. The shedding of old skin and healing new skin takes between one and two weeks depending on your body’s natural healing process; so you may want to book two weeks off work just to be sure. While non-invasive, this is a serious procedure that will leave your face sore, red and flaky during recovery time, so it is essential to think carefully before committing.

3.     Tooth Veneers

Tooth Veneers

This treatment if perfect for anyone self-conscious about their smile. Veneers can correct discoloration, gaps, chips and unevenness by placing a thin porcelain shell over the front of each tooth, kind of like applying a false nail. It is the quickest and easiest way to gain the perfect smile – much less faff than braces, aligners or tooth whitening. Visit a professional cosmetic dentist like Whitehorse Dental for a consultation about tooth veneers today.

4.     Eyelash Extensions

Long, fluttery eyelashes are the epitome of femininity; so if yours are more stubby than curly, you might feel cursed to a lifetime of falsies. Ditch the spider-lashes for a more permanent solution: eyelash extensions can last up to eight weeks depending on your usual lash cycle. That said, beauticians recommend infills every four weeks to ensure they stay looking luscious. All good salons can perform this treatment, and you’ll skip out of the building two hours later with a beautiful result.

5.     Eyebrow Sculpting

 Eyebrow Sculpting

There are dozens of options available for those who want to makeover their eyebrows. Transform sparse, patchy brows into the kind that Brooke Shields and Cara Delevingne would be proud of with threading, dyeing, and ‘eyebrow extension’ treatments. Eyebrow extensions work in quite the same way as the eyelash counterpart – small hairs are attached and embedded into your existing brows to fill them out, giving you the bushy, full brows you’ve dreamed of since losing them to brutal overplucking in your teens.

6.     Microdermabrasion Facial

This treatment removes the very surface skin cells on your face to exfoliate and scour away dead skin. The therapist uses a handset which streams a jet of micro crystals across the skin to buff and polish. They then use a kind of ‘vacuum’ to suction away the debris and leave you with smooth, even skin.

You’re left with a glowing complexion and great improvement to your skin’s natural collagen and elastin production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting plumpness.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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