4 Natural herbs for hair growth

Natural herbs for hair growth

Every woman likes to have well kept longer and more lustrous hair. There are no over night products for rapid hair growth and most products are chemically laden which can cause more damage to hair. An alternative for strengthening hair and speeding the hair growth, is to adopt natural herbal remedies in the beauty regime. If you have sensitive scalp, using natural herbs for hair growth is the safest option. Here are a few most effective herbs for hair growth.

1. Rosemary

This herb has different uses and is frequently associated with hair growth. Used since time immemorial, rosemary helps fight dandruff (which is known to accelerate hair loss) and makes hair shinier and healthier by strengthening weak hair follicles.Rosemary can be used directly as a diet supplement, as tea and even in food.You can also get your hair rinsed by simmering a few leaves in hot water.The best method though is heating olive, jojoba or castor oil with a few rosemary leaves and then massaging it into your hair. Massage stimulates the blood vessels and rosemary seeps through, nourishing the follicles.

2. Chamomile

It’s not just the fragrance that chamomile is famous for, but also for its various medicinal values. Supposed to have healing powers, chamomile treats scalp irritation, soothing the nerves. Its yellow color imparts brightness and shine while lightening the hair color. Hence its best for blonde hair.You can use chamomile extract in oil massage or as an infusion in hair rinse, to be used after washing hair. This soothes an itchy scalp, which is known to cause hair loss. Better still is to drink chamomile tea, as it relaxes the mind makes hair healthy.

3. Horsetail

Known as one of the oldest and most popular herbs for hair, horsetail has high silica content which is proven to be helpful in strengthening hair and nails. Horsetail stimulates blood circulation, nourishing and strengthening of hair follicles. If you want to use horsetail, the best method would be to add a few drops of horsetail extracts in your shampoo, and then wash your hair normally.It is also available as oral supplements and horsetail tea.

4. Burdock

Burdock is a traditional medicinal herb used since ancient times, especially for hair treatments. The burdock root is the main source of all herbal preparations.Its powerful compounds are excellent detoxifiers and blood purifiers. The burdock root oil extract, commonly called bur oil, is full of essential fatty acids and phytosterol which is a requisite nutrient for maintaining a healthy scalp and in promoting natural hair growth. The oil also helps in fighting dandruff, healing scalp problems and strengthening hair follicles.

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