4 Makeup bag must haves

Make-up bag must haves

It’s a cliche` that ladies love to carry the whole world in their bags. They always prefer looking drop-dead gorgeous and their make-up bags are the only remedy for it. Right from tissue papers to party props, this magic make-up bag is a one-stop emergency dial for all ladies. It is enchanting since it changes the upheaval of women in just a minute’s play. Precisely, only a few make up cosmetic essentials are required for that last minute touch-ups. Here, we have shared a list of makeup bag must haves.

1. Compact powder

It is always important to keep your skin glowing and fresh. At times of high stress, and exposure to dust and pollutants, your skin loses its sheen. It is then where you are in dire need of this compact to get you going! A surprise party after a full day’s throttle can be handled on with this compact. Besides, the glass bottle foundation is not at all handy and is subject to frequent risks as breakage, damage. Just a touch up of this compact can change your looks and it’s guaranteed to make guys swirl around you. A thumbs up for this compact from the leaders in cosmetics, Clinique.

2. Hand Sanitizer

It’s precious touch for everyone out there when a hand sanitizer is around. It’s like saying no to germs in the best way. Ensuring health and safety of your own is a responsibility, but ensuring the health and safety of others is a duty. A hand sanitizer is useful when you suddenly rush out of office for lunch, and there’s no way you can wash hands. Also after you apply make-up, it is advisable to apply hand sanitizer to ensure no chemical residues in hands, which may persist after make-up.

3. Perfume/ Deodorant/ Underarm spray

A common problem with which everyone struggles is the body odor. No matter to what effect and to what extent have you applied, deodorant in the morning, body odor continues to spring up. It is due to sweat or exposure to heat or at times uneasiness. A small bottle of perfume or an underarm spray or a deodorant is helpful in handling body odors. Be it your business meetings or your late night parties, when you smell good, you are sure to feel good and make everyone else around you feel good too. A small sprinkle will do the trick.

4. Lip balm

For the oomph factor in you, your lips speak for you. A luscious, shiny lips is bound to make people catch your attention. Our lips lose their moisture and need attention unlike the other parts of our body every 3 hours. During summers, they get dry and chapped and during winters they lose they start cracking. Lip care is essential for a woman. A lip balm or a lip gloss revives the shine, softness and suppleness of lips. Your lips need care and don’t forget, a small peck, with your dry, cracked lips, on your loved ones’ cheek can hurt them.

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