3 Style Choices That Will Help You Beat the Summer Heat

Style Choices That Will Help You Beat the Summer Heat

The facts are in, gentlemen: according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), summer of 2019 was the hottest on record for the Northern Hemisphere. Temperatures rose to oppressive levels in July of that year, when a searing 90°F was recorded in Anchorage, Alaska—a place where the temperature has never registered past the upper 80s. Other parts of the country suffered as well. Washington DC saw highs of up to 97°F that same month while New York endured a sweltering heat wave that saw the cancellation of several outdoor events.

All this to say that it’s hot, lads, and the forecast is even hotter. Forbes reports that the summer of 2020 will be “abnormally warm”. In fact, meteorologists have noted things were starting to look steamy back in April, with Miami experiencing record-breaking high temperatures throughout the month.

Preparing oneself for a long, sultry summer involves a lot more than stocking up on cold beers these days. What you wear can have a significant impact on how you feel throughout the upcoming season. Here are a few style choices that can help keep you cool: 

Choose your fabrics wisely

Choose your fabrics wiselyThe number-one reason why men end up sweating buckets in the summer is because they’re wearing the wrong fabrics.

Most guys simply don’t pay attention to such things. The concept of breathable fabric is completely lost on the average dude on the street. However, it can spell the difference between staying cool and comfortable and being hot and bothered when the temperature rises past a certain point. Simply put, breathable fabrics offer air circulation, reducing sweat.

In summer, you’ll want to dress in clothes made with cotton, linen, silk, and tropical weight wool. Too lazy to read the labels? An easy test to find out if a fabric is breathable is by breathing through it. Put the fabric up to your mouth and try. If you have no issues inhaling or exhaling through it, it’s breathable. 

Colors matter, too

It’s a scientifically proven fact that dark colors absorb more heat. The amount of light energy a dark-colored item of clothing absorbs is proportional to how close it is to the color black: the darker it is, the hotter it is. Therefore, the simple solution is to start dipping into the lighter spectrum with your clothes. Go for summer-appropriate shades such as white, light grey, pastel yellow, powder blue, and so on. 

Accessories = protection

protect your eyes in the summerThe skin on your face, ears, and neck is thinner and therefore more sensitive to damage from the harsh UV rays of the sun. In addition to sunscreen, hats are an essential summer staple. They’ll keep your head covered and offer plenty of shade. The best ones are made with materials that offer sun protection and don’t let light pass through. Ideally, they should have a wide brim all around, but if you don’t think you can pull that off, a baseball cap is better than nothing.

It’s also important to protect your eyes in the summer, as they are also very sensitive to UV rays. Close-fitting, wraparound-style sunglasses are recommended for maximum protection, but almost any other style is better than not wearing them at all. If you can, look for lenses that can block UV radiation.

Being more discerning about your socks can help, too. Thick wool socks are best reserved for the winter. This summer, go for cooling leisure socks that allow air to circulate and keep you fresh.

Dressing appropriately for the summer isn’t just “a fashion thing”. Wearing the right clothes and accessories can help prevent sunburn, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and serious illnesses such as skin cancer. Stay safe out there—and don’t forget the sunscreen!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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