What to Expect from Your Botox Treatment in Houston

Botox Treatment in Houston

A recent survey reveals that Houston ranks among the top 10 U.S. cities with the most attractive people. It has a fondness for fashion, with boutiques in Montrose and the massive line of over 350 upscale stores at the Galleria Mall, ensuring that Houstonians always look their best.

While wearing designer apparel can give you a trendy look, having a rejuvenated skin is equally important to carry yourself confidently on every occasion. In recent times, Botox has become a raging cosmetic procedure because of how effectively and safely it makes the skin glow and wrinkle-free.

Leading plastic surgeons offer the best non-surgical treatments, including Botox in Houston, ensuring you have a successful transformation with younger-looking skin. Here’s what you should expect from a Botox treatment in Houston.

Botox Treatment for Various Facial Wrinkles

Facial WrinklesThe locals above 35 years make up for nearly 44% of the entire Houston population. It is around this age that people tend to have noticeable wrinkles, giving them a perplexed look.

You will find the Botox treatment helpful in getting rid of facial wrinkles, including frown lines, marionette lines, crow’s feet, under-eye wrinkles, scowl brow, and aging eyes.

Typically, experts recommend about 35 units to reduce the wrinkles and fine lines on your face, but the value can vary on a case to case basis, between 20 to 50.

Individualized Botox Procedures

Houston ranks as the top 9th U.S. city with the highest average daily maximum temperature. While indulging in pleasant activities out in the sun is the best way to enjoy the city’s offerings, such engagements can cause wrinkles on your face over time.

Fortunately, leading specialists offer unique Botox procedures, focusing on reducing the fine lines developed in particular regions of your face. For instance, they offer treatment, mainly to remove the frown lines that appear near the eyebrows and reduce the wrinkles extending from the eyes to the side of the head.

And if you have cheek muscle hypertrophy, you will most likely have a round face. In such scenarios, you will find their Botox treatment for facial contouring helpful. Experts provide a safe, same-day procedure to make your jawline appear thinner.

Procedures with Botox Injections

Procedures with Botox InjectionWhen you look for a non-surgical option, such as Botox in Houston, to refresh your skin, you will find experts administering injections as a part of the treatment.

But before commencing with the procedure, top surgeons in Houston advocate discontinuing the use of medications like aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen. They also suggest avoiding supplements containing garlic and ginseng for at least 14 days before the treatment, as these items tend to thin the blood, increasing the risk of bruising.

Based on how extensive the lines and wrinkles are, the professionals mark the spots they need to inject the Botox. Typically, it is a 15-30 minutes procedure, which involves painless injection pricks that don’t cause any discomfort.

Care After the Botox Treatment

Once the procedure is complete, you might observe localized mild swelling and tenderness at the injection sites, which resolve within two to three days. In Houston, plastic surgeons prescribe Arnica as an effective medication, which you can take a week before the procedure, to reduce potential bruising.

Experts recommend not to indulge in any physical activity for 24 hours following the Botox treatment but encourage facial exercises during this period for enhanced results.

You will notice the treatment effects in 5 to 14 days, after which you will have rejuvenated skin, giving you a younger appeal, lasting for at least 3 to 4 months.

Botox Treatment by Top Experts

Botox Treatment by  ExpertsThe top specialists in Houston, offering advanced Botox treatment, are triple-board certified plastic surgeons. They perform these procedures at AAAASF accredited outpatient surgical facilities while having surgical privileges across various reputed specialty hospitals in Houston.

Such professionals are well-trained; they can assess when you might need additional doses of Botox and ensure associated safety measures are in place. And while they educate you about the entire treatment, they will be actively involved in your recovery.

Cost-effective Botox Procedures

Typically, when you need the standard number of units, around 35, you would have to pay about $350, with each unit costing between $10 to $15. And as Botox is an elective treatment, health insurance will not cover the costs if you wish to have this procedure done for cosmetic reasons.

The professional will let you know the actual units you will require based on your case severity, after which you can assess your Botox treatment expenses. 

Final Thoughts

Beyoncé, Matt Bomer, and Kelly Rowland are some of the top attractive celebrities from Houston.

If you wish to look young and good-looking like these famous personalities, consult a reputed plastic surgeon offering FDA-approved Botox treatment. Rest assured, you will appear more youthful, with smoother, tighter, and wrinkle-free skin for all to admire.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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