Using sunscreen is far better than anti-wrinkle creams!

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If you are using anti-wrinkle creams to suppress wrinkle formation on your face then you are merely wasting your money and it would be far better to use sunscreen lotions if you really don’t want those wrinkles on your face. A new study by the researchers has uncovered this fact.

Interestingly, it was also found that higher price of an anti-wrinkle cream doesn’t ensure that anti-wrinkle cream is more effective, since, researchers found that some cheaper anti-wrinkle creams like Olay Regenerist were more effective compared with other expensive anti-wrinkle creams.

Before annunciating these facts, researchers conducted few tests and light-skinned women between the ages of 30 and 70 were asked to apply anti-wrinkle creams on one side of their face and moisturizer with sunscreen on the other side of their face and amazingly, it was found that results, which were expected form anti-wrinkle creams not came from them but from moisturizers with sunscreen.

Personally, I believe that this is a major blow to anti-wrinkle cream industry, since for years women all over the world are using these creams to look young, which costs thousands of dollars every year. Moreover, this finding presages a fulgent future for sunscreen producing industry. But the most important thing that I pull out of this study is the shattering of the myth that was constantly prompting women to go on with anti-wrinkle creams.

Via: CBS News

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