Tips to keep skin cancer at bay!

skinn cnacer 64Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that grows out comparatively faster than other forms of cancer. Perhaps, this is the reason why Melanoma is growing round the world rapidly.

However, here are some important tips that you can bring in use in order to keep melanoma at bay.

Make sure that you apply sunscreen to your uncovered body parts whenever you go out, no matter it is a sunny or cloudy day.

Use sunglasses when you step out in sunny day, since skin round the eyes is quite delicate and using sunglasses protect it. Moreover, sunglasses save your eyes too from dazzling daylight.

If acne or moles appear anywhere on your body then go for medical checkup.

Never use tanning beds, since studies have proved that tanning beds higher up the chances of skin cancer.

Try to keep your skin covered whenever you step outside, since it will prevent your skin from harmful UV rays.

By applying these few but important tips, you can prevent yourself from skin cancer largely.

Image credit: In magine

Via: Yahoo

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