4 Tips for shiny hair

Shiny hair

Often we go to parlors to get those lustrous locks, but excessive use of harmful chemicals can take away the shine from your hair. The hair spa offered by most of the parlors are chemical based and not natural. Styling products can make your hair look beautiful for a party, but the chemicals present in them can lead to loss of shine, dandruff, and hair fall. Therefore, it is necessary to keep your locks clean to attain shine. Read on to know how you can keep your hair shiny without the use of harmful chemicals.

1. Styling irons

While buying styling irons, check if it has a filmy finish on it or not. Usually, filmy finishes on styling irons leads to buildup of the chemicals that you use on your hair. And reuse of the iron will lead the buildup to stick on your hair, which will deteriorate the shine. It is good to wash the iron before reusing it on your hair. You can wash it by making mixture of baking soda and water and wiping off the iron with the mixture. Dip a cloth in the mixture and wipe it off. Make sure the mixture is thick and has more baking soda than water in it. Afterwards, wipe the iron with a dry cloth.

2. Rinsing your hair

Once in three weeks you can try rinsing your hair with natural materials available at home. There are so many options like champagne, tea, vinegar, etc. that gives shine to your hair. One of the cheapest rinses can be made at home.

Take 1 cup of cold water and add ¼ cup vinegar to it. Pour this on dry hair and allow it to sit for a couple of minutes. Then wash it off with cold water. After this you can shampoo your hair as usual.

This is a great way to remove all the dust particles from your hair. Vinegar being acidic in nature helps breaking down all the pollutants, making your look shiny and refreshed.

3. Shampooing without water

You can try washing your hair without water. All you need to do is to apply shampoo to your dry hair and then rinse it off with cold water. Excessive use of chemicals leads to dullness of your hair. Wetting the hair before putting shampoo does not remove all the dirt and dust from your hair, as water blocks the shampoo working on the hair. Applying shampoo to dry hair will ensure that shampoo works on your hair completely, removing all the dust particles from your hair and giving it the shine.

4. Natural shampoos

While purchasing shampoos, make sure you buy something that has natural extracts in it. Look for cassia in your shampoo. These natural botanical extracts help your hair shine day by day. But before you invest in the botanical shampoo, it is good that you read the ingredients carefully. Often, people get confused with the shampoos that are chemical based by reading the ingredients list. But the herbs used in these are not the natural ones, they are chemical based. The natural shampoos are those, which do not have any chemicals at all.

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