8 most effective home remedies for split ends

8 most effective home remedies for split ends

Split hair ends is very common problem among women. However, if you are having the same problem then also you don’t need to worry as there are several home made remedies which can help you get rid of this condition. The best thing about these treatments is that most often you’ll get the ingredients in your pantry only. Not only these remedies are effective, but also they are cost efficient. Below is a list of some of the most common home remedies for split hair.

1. Hair pack made from papaya

It is definitely one of the most effective and the popular herbal home remedy for split hair ends. As the name suggest, the primary element of this hair pack is papaya, the size of which depends on your hair. However, whatsoever be the case, for best results you must use a very ripe papaya. You’ll be needing a larger fruit if you have really long hair, but you have to use only half of it. Blend the papaya after getting rid of the skin and seeds. Add in a half a cup of plain yogurt when the papaya becomes pulpy and mix the contents thoroughly. Massage this pack on your hair and its tip, and leave it for at least 30 minutes, then rinse it out.

2. Use home made cream tonic

This remedy falls into the category of those treatments which are applied after you have shampooed. The cream tonic is prepared by mixing one tablespoon of heavy cream into a half cup of milk. Beat this mixture thoroughly and evenly. Once the cream tonic is prepared, then massage it into the hair. For best results, massage it on the ends of the hair. Let it stay for 15 minutes or so and then rinse it out.

3. Rinse your hairs with beer

For all those beer lovers, next time if you find someone criticizing your all time favorite drink, then do tell them this use of beer. You’ll be surprised by the fact that beer is really very good for your hair (mind it, we are not talking about drinking it!), and this remedy is one of the simplest. All you need to do is rinse your hair with beer and then allow it to soak thoroughly. Simply rinse your hair after that. And as far as the lingering scent of beer is concerned, use the spritzes to get rid of it.

4. Olive oil

A thorough massage done by using olive oil can definitely do the trick for you. However, it will be much better if the oil which you are going to apply on your hair is bit warm. Simply warm enough olive oil which is sufficient to cover your entire hair and then massage it into your tresses. Once you are done with the massaging then cover your hair with a shower cap or wrap them using a towel. Leave the oil to soak properly into your hair for at least half an hour and then shampoo.

5. Shampoo made from eggs

A simple egg shampoo is an effective home hair treatment for split ends all by itself! For preparing this shampoo, the ingredients that you will need are a pint of hot water, an ounce of fresh rosemary and one egg. First steep the rosemary into hot water for about 20 minutes and then allow it to cool. Once the mixture has cooled down to room temperature then beat the egg into the mixture and your egg shampoo is ready to be used. Use it in a similar way as a regular shampoo, massage this mixture into your hair and then rinse.

6. Condition your hair using castor oil

One other home made remedy for split hair can be prepared by using castor oil, this can truly be termed as a magic oil because it is extremely helpful in a number of ways, however, in this case we are not saying that you need to drink this extremely unpleasant stuff. This preparation is made by mixing an equal amount of castor oil, olive oil and mustard oil. Apply this mix into your hair and then wrap them in a towel. Allow this mix to soak into your hair for around 30 minutes and then shampoo.

7. Preparation made from honey

Honey when mixed with curd makes a fabulous home remedy for split hair. This mix is prepared by adding a tablespoon of honey into a half cup of curd. Mix them well so that they completely blend with each other. Use this mix to massage your hair, especially the ends and let it stay for at least 20 minutes. Rinse your hair using water only and the result will be in front of you in no time.

8. Avocado

Last but definitely not the least, avocado makes an effective home hair treatment for your split hair. Even you may have noticed the fact that your skin and hair becomes extremely soft if you are in a habit of eating avocados regularly, this is because of the oil present in it. But here we will focus on applying it on hair rather than eating. Simply mash up an avocado in a bowl and you are ready to apply it on your hair, isn’t it simple! But before applying it, dampen your hair a little bit and then massage this mashed avocado into your hair. Make sure that you get your split ends coated. Rinse it out after letting it stay on your hair for about 15 minutes.

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