Tips For Preventing A Personal Injury At Work And Home

Whether you work in a high-paced environment or stay at home all day, there will always be a possibility that you may get injured at some point or another. Lifting a heavy object in the wrong manner or twisting your back could lead to an irreparable injury with long-lasting side effects.

Below, you will find tips for avoiding injury both at work and at home.

Know Your Limits

Some people think of themselves as superman or woman, which is nothing more than a fallacy. Everyone has their own unique limitations. It is truly in your best interest to know your limitations and never push yourself beyond your breaking point. Pushing yourself too hard and too far will greatly increase the risks involved. If you’ve attempted to lift a heavy object unsuccessfully, you should stop! Don’t try again, until your friend or family member is there to assist you. If you’re at work, you should not hesitate to ask for help.

Lift With Your Knees

At home and in the workplace, it is almost certain you’ll find yourself lifting heavy objects from time to time. A lot of back injuries are directly linked to improper lifting. If you lift a heavy object with your back, you’ll put greater strain on your back and this will increase your chance of getting seriously injured. Your employer should provide you with in-depth training for the appropriate lifting technique. Remember to get close to the object, bend your knees and then lift with your knees. If you’ve become injured and your employer has not provided with the right training, you should consult with a personal injury attorney.

They may be held liable for your pain and suffering!

Wear Protective Gear

Protective gear can prove to be very helpful, when it comes to helping you avoid personal injuries. If you want to remain happy and healthy, you should wear protective gear whenever you’re facing a risk. Protective goggles can help shield your eyes from flying debris. Steel-toe boots will prove to be very helpful as well! If you are required to work with wood, be sure to wear protective gloves. This will help you avoid getting splinters!

Non-Skid Shoes

Hardwood and tile flooring do not mix well with socks or stocking feet. One of the most common injuries that occur in the home is falls, which can be linked to slippery socks. Your best bet will be socks or slippers, with a non-skip outsole. These are ideal for walking around the home, plus they will not slide on slippery surfaces.

Get Rid Of Throw Rugs

You would be surprised to discover that the most dangerous decor item in your home is the throw rug. Many people like throw rugs, because they offer warmth, comfort and extra cushioning for their feet. However, the throw rug is a safety hazard that is just waiting to cause an accident. Senior citizens and children are always going to be the highest risk age groups, but they can be a safety hazard for anyone. Instead of taking these risks, toss those throw rugs in the trash bin and keep your family safe from falls.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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