Rejuvenating Enzyme Facial Peel for all your skin problems

rejuvenating enzyme facial peel

L’Bri the maker of natural skin products have launched Rejuvenating Enzyme Facial Peel that claim to give the rich enzyme activity of papain found in green papaya. Papain is researched to hydrate the skin thereby flushing out dead cells in the skin and making it look more supple and young.

The facial peel claims that all the products are in their natural state, from citrus peel to green papaya.The peel is supposedly packed with antioxidants, revitalizers and natural moisturizers. The job done by these skin nutrients is exfoliation of dead cells followed by the replacement of young and new cells.

Taking into account the ingredients in the Rejuvenating Enzyme Facial Peel it can be considered for highly sensitive skin, rosacea, thin, sun-damaged skin, aging skin and acne. This product priced at $34.50 can be found at the store of L’Bri.

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