Pure gold can also be allergic

jewellery 64Glittering gold that you often use to add to your beauty may add to your problems too because according to the latest findings by researchers, pure gold can produce allergy symptoms in some people. It is worth mentioning that this finding stands head to head to the previous beliefs, which have dubbed pure gold as a non-allergic substance.

There is a common notion that skin allergy, which usually erupts after wearing gold jewellery is due to alloys like nickel or chromium. However, after carrying out survey of 30 dermatological clinics and hospitals throughout Germany Thomas Fuchs and Johannes Geier of Goettingen University Hospital in Germany came to the conclusion that pure gold can also bring out its allergic properties on some people.

On the basis of this study it can definitely be asserted that pure gold can also be an allergic metal. In the words of Thomas Fuchs:

These are indeed isolated cases… But they are enough to prove conclusively that there is such a thing as an allergy to gold.

Image credit: Gold

Via: DNA India

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