Men vs beauty products

Since times immemorial, beauty has been associated only with women. And even today you can see that women care so much about their beauty. A whole new industry has ensued in a couple of years. You go to super markets or a chemist shop and you will see beauty products catching your attention. But, a new trend which is seen these days is the visibility of men’s faces on posters at every nook and corner of supermarkets, specifically for their beauty section. Yes, we are talking about the beauty industry with “Men included”.

The new world of male beauty

Now-a-days, men are equally concerned about their appearance. They want to look and feel their best. They keep themselves updated with latest trends by glancing through various fashion magazines, watching fashion television channels and even fashion talks within their friend circles. The thought that talking about “beauty products” is “girlie”, does not hold true today. According to the industry experts, the next “in” and the most profitable segment in the beauty product industry is “Men’s beauty products”.

And why not? If men spend money for buying a good cologne or denim, they can definitely spend money on something that makes them look handsome as well. Just like they go to the gym to keep their body fit and maintain its shape, they can take care of their skin and face too, provided that products are available to them. With growing availability of “the customized solutions”, men stay no behind in using them.

Men’s beauty products

Being altogether a new segment, cosmetic companies still have to determine which products, when launched in the market, would turn out to be a successful, both for them as well as the male consumers. This has led to various experimentations on several products in categories including lotions, skincare and hair products. The very first thought of men wearing makeup seems to be too odd. But looking at the product range available these days, it is justified. Ranging from lotions, oils, massage creams, razors, blades, you have everything.

Issues faced by beauty industry catering to men

One of the biggest problems in this industry is men feeling shy to talk about their beauty needs with women standing at counters in the super markets, and especially, when there is crowd around. So, several supermarkets have started hiring male cosmeticians and place these counters in corners for privacy.

Another issue faced by the industry is being able to distinguish between beauty products for men and women. How can one distinguish between a fairness cream for men and the one for women? Men want something special to be created for them for serving their beauty needs in a manly way. So, the companies have to change their marketing strategy. A lot of market research has to be done in this regard to find an optimum solution and penetrate into the market successfully.

Unlike women, men do not want to be known for spending a great amount of time in front of the mirror and hence, “quick fix” formulas need to be available for them. Recently, several companies have launched products wherein the procedure of using them is quite simple. These involve cleaning the face to remove dust and oil. This is followed by exfoliation to remove the dead skin and finally moisturising for a smooth and radiant feel.

A unique strategy which companies have adopted these days is the use of natural ingredients in their products. This actually becomes a unique selling proposition in terms of marketing their product. Ingredients range from cactus to the exotic flora found deep within the ocean. At several places, especially in Asia and Africa, many beauty products are being promoted in the name of traditional medicines. Such products contain medicinal ingredients which are actually beneficial to the body.Thus, in addition to providing a decent physical appearance, the product also assures clinical benefit, without any side effect, and suits all skin tones.

What comes next

Thinking of where the beauty product industry for men is heading and what kinds of product are men expecting in future? It has been speculated that with changing times, men also yearn to look young forever. This implies a huge potential for anti ageing creams for men to creep in. They would definitely sell like hot cakes. Adding to this, guys seem to have a lot of problems regarding acne during their adolescence and hence, some products to drive away this problem is also a must. Hope the beauty industry is hearing this!

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