Can highlights be used to color gray hair?

Keeping your tresses attractive can be a challenge at every age. Hair highlights change a person’s hair color, but is different from hair coloring as it is used for coloring only a few strands of hair. It is a simple way to add beauty to natural hair and give a funky and sophisticated look, adding depth and dimension to hair. The hair highlights emphasizes the focal point of a haircut.

Highlighter for gray hairs

When are hair highlights done?

When it comes to hair color, you basically have 3 options: highlighting, single-process color or double process. Hair highlights add depth and character to your style. By highlighting your hair, you can create a surprising effect to yourself. They can be as subtle or as strong as you always wanted them to be. Those can be from an edgy, directional or fashion forward look to natural sun brighten tresses. With a mix of two, three or more shades, you can personalize your color palette as well as your look.

Can hair highlights be used to color gray hair?

Graying hair is a natural part of the aging process. You can manage your first signs of gray strands with a few highlights. Highlighting covers up gray hair and makes you feel a little younger. For those who are already young, it makes them feel more attractive. Whether it is long or short hair, highlighting is always here to stay. A few blonde highlights are great for blending in some way ward grays. The lighter color adds an extra dimension to your gray hair. Highlights will make the hair look much like blonde rather than gray, giving a more youthful look. Hair highlights are often restricted to bright shades. This low-maintenance method lasts for a much longer time than other types of coloring. The highlights will most probably be needed once or twice a year. Highlights give best results on the hair, 25 to 75 percent gray.

Hair highlights as a remedy for gray hair

If you are not sure what technique will best suit to your gray hair, you must consult with your hairdresser for recommendations and tips. A hair color specialist or licensed cosmetologist can be approached if you are unsure about what type of hair highlighting products are best for you, there are many different ways to highlight your hair. It depends on what look you are trying to achieve and which technique you should use for the same. You can do hair highlights at home or under guidance of a professional stylist at a salon.

  1. Get hair colors that are 1 or 2 shades lighter or darker than your natural color. If you want more striking effects then you can choose 2-4 shades difference.
  2. Mix the chosen color well in a bowl and apply smoothly on a strand. Wait till you achieve the color you are looking for. Note the time for which you have to keep the color on your hair to get the desired effect.
  3. You should always wear gloves while coloring the hair. Now make partition of the hair in 4 parts. You should ideally divide the front and back halves into 2 sections each.
  4. With the help of your tail comb, slice out a portion of hair. Narrow slices will ensure that you get more highlights while wide portions will create fewer highlights. To get a good highlight effect, try to keep partition sizes symmetrical all over the head.
  5. Now hold a foil under the hair and with the help of a brush, color the strands. Remember, you should always start from the scalp and brush towards the end. Fold the ends of the hair and cover them with the foil. Fold the foil from the end and sides and secure tightly on the scalp with the help of clips.
  6. If you are using two colors for highlights then alternately use them on hair strands. Repeat the process until you have covered entire hair. Wait for the tested time and then remove the foils from your hair.
  7. Rinse your hair thoroughly and use a shampoo and a conditioner to restore their shine and health. Now, you are ready to step out and grab a few eyeballs.

Highlights generally consist of selecting small or thick strands of hair that are at least 2 shades lighter than the rest of your hair. For a natural look, they should compliment your natural hair color. You should never go more than 3 shades lighter than the rest of your hair color if your objective is to achieve a stunning look and to bring depth and light to your overall color.

The beauty verdict

The great thing about highlights and hair low lights is that they will suit basically any hair type; they can make fine hair look thicker and make heavy, dark hair look lighter and more textured. Highlights are fairly low- maintenance things. Highlighting is a variation or modification of ages old hairstyles. The only difference is in taking extra care. Earlier people used natural hair highlights but now the trend has shifted to the use of chemicals for highlighting. These chemicals sometimes tend to damage hair, on prolonged exposure to sun light. It may become difficult to regain the original texture of hair.

Maintenance is an important part of the game. Unfortunately, there is no permanent solution to deal with your grays. Continue to add high or low lights every 6 weeks to keep up appearances and all over color after every 4 weeks or as needed to cover your roots.

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