Healthy Eating on a Business Trip: Tips on How to Make It Happen

Healthy Eating on a Business Trip

If you have ever traveled for work, you are probably well aware of how challenging it can be to stick to a healthy diet. From salty airline food and humungous buffets served at conferences to late night meals and a mini-bar chock full of tempting treats, you might return home with a stomach and headache.

Fortunately, you do not have to be at the whim of the airlines, the hotel catering staff and the fast food choices at the airport—you can definitely continue to eat healthily while on a business trip. Here’s how:

Turn to Social Media for Inspiration

Turn to Social Media for Inspiration

There is plenty of great information and inspiration on healthy-living products, meal ideas and supplements on social media; consider following several accounts and visiting them while you are on the road to help you stay on track. For example, Amway’s Facebook page offers information about the company’s vitamins and supplements, which are easy to pack and take along on a business trip. A recent post discussed the ease and benefits of sprinkling a serving of the brand’s Nutrilite protein powder on a meal. To make sure you get enough healthy protein while on the road, consider taking a few pre-portioned servings with you in your carry-on.

If you are on Instagram, consider following HealthyMinuteMeals—the account is filled with photos of healthy recipes that are quick and easy to make. If you are traveling by car to a conference, take along a cooler filled with ice and portable plastic containers filled with healthy options. Stop along the way at a park instead of a fast food restaurant and you’ll arrive at your destination energized and ready to go instead of sluggish and wanting a nap.

Bring Along Healthy Snacks

If you pack at least a few healthy snacks, you will be able to successfully resist the temptation of the vending machines filled with candy and chips or the spendy restaurants at the airport. Choices like whole and firm fresh fruits like apples and oranges, protein or fruit and nut bars, peanut-butter filled pretzels and applesauce in squeezable bags are all tasty and healthy options. If your hotel room has a small fridge, try to find a grocery store close by and fill it with string cheese, berries, grapes, Greek yogurt and pre-cooked grilled chicken strips. Then, prior to heading to the massive dinner buffet, enjoy a healthy snack in your room.

Speaking of Buffets …

Speaking of BuffetsBuffets are usually full of delicious foods that are laden with salt, sugar and fat. While small samples of some of these items probably won’t make you feel too poorly, avoid over-eating by sticking with the healthier options as much as possible. If the buffet has a salad section, choose plenty of fresh raw veggies and try to skip the piles of croutons and flavorless iceberg lettuce. Skip the starchy pastas and potatoes as much as you can in favor of protein-rich choices like chicken or beef. If you can, scope out the entire selection prior to filling your plate—you will be able to successfully skip over the mayo-soaked potato salad in favor of the grilled veggies.

Start Small

While you might not be able to find super healthy foods for every meal on your business trip, you can definitely bring things from home that will help ensure you are getting at least some healthy choices in your body every day. Pack the protein powder and nutritious snacks and then do your best to choose healthy options whenever possible and your time on the road will be easier on your body and energy levels. 

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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