Hair Guide

does Procerin hold any Scam?

when i was thinking that there was no way out ,as i was loosing my hair,my mother  told me to take it easy and not to worry as there has to be a solution that will help me regain my hair back.then when i was loosing hope,there came the solution in

is Itchy Scalp Hair Loss curable?

I have a problem that has started for quite some time now.whenever i look at the middle parting of my scalp i can see white flakes that are present.they dont bother me  as much my itchy scalp bothers me as i keep on scratching from the middle and

Kronos Hair care for aging hair?

we have a drama competition in which i am playing the aging caesar.and this time it is going to be a big competition ,as large amounts of money will be invested in it by the sponsors for supporting cancer patients.but for getting the caesar kind of loo

where do i get Hair Loss Information?

My hair has been shedding continously at a steady rate which bothers me that,if this continues to happen ,then how will i get my hair back in shape and set it again the way i want it to.for that to happen i need my hair to develop  thickness that

how does Nizoral help lessen Hair Loss?

When i was putting shampoo on my hair ,i could extract a large potion of hair that has fallen and had accumulate in my hands,one day,but after that whenever i washed my hair i used to lose the same amount of hair,so then i thought that maybe i should c

what is Fue?

oh what a folly it has been on my part that i have not been looking after my hair that adequately as i am suppoed to. i dont brush it for days ,and once i do so,large amounts of my hair began to fall and give me pain in my scalp. and then  now has

is Hairline international hair care dependable?

When i told my friend who has been living with me for ten years now in atlanta that i think that i was loosing hair and could do nothing about it,she frantically began to search for solutions ,so that i can get back my hair and not loose it so early an

procedure of Hair Cloning?

My hair was so full and wavy at a time ,but now it seems that my hair will have a problem i growing as no matter what amount of oils and shampoos i use ,my hair still does not give the required results that it should be giving .It makes me fret all the

what are Side Effects that Minoxidil can cause?

It was when i had started getting a feeling that i was loosing lots of hair from the fact that whenever i left my washroom i used to find that ,i used to shed a lot of hair in clumps,which i then religiously threw in the dustbin,but sooner or later thi

has anyone used Scalp Med before?

when i started noticing that i was losing tufts of my hair from the frontal region of my head ,it began to concern me that if this receding of hairline goes on then i will be left with no hair gradually,which will in turn make my life miserable ,as hai

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