Hair Guide

Hair Loss Doctor nearest?

my daughter who  turned eighteen recently  has a problem that is hard to deal with,since her semesters are coming up and she needs to prepare for her exams .but then she has lost a lot of hair since she was injured in an accident ,and i am wo

how to recover from Bald Spot On Head?

one fine day when i was shaving my stubble that had grown too far and i thought that it was long time that i needed to cut it off and shape it ,i could see that there was a bald spot that had been formed on my head and was looking really unattractive.t

Couvre for covering up my bald spot?

my husband has been invited for a grand dinner party where  all the soap opera stars are going to be invited.and some of them are going to be my favorites .but then before all this excitement i need to figure out a way through which i can fix my h

how does Azelaic Acid repair Hair Loss?

It is so frequent that i can find strands of my hair strewn around the house .my husband says that he can find my hair on the sofa where we watch our tv,or on the bathroom tiles after we take bath,or on in the food items which i am serving.and i know t

why is my My Hair Is Falling Out?

What a crisis it can be when you need to go for an outing and when you are combing your hair you find out that your  your Hair Is Falling has happened to me that ,i have lost as much as 200 strands of my hair on a regular basis ,and is now

Head And Shoulders Shampoo help remove white flakes?

I have short hair that very oily.i put shampoo every third day but yet it comes back to its normal kind when i leave it without shampooing for some days.and then shampooing and conditioning my hair becomes a daily affair .when my aunt heard about this

how to get African American Hair Growth?

I have got blonde hair, i like it a lot ,the way my hair seems as if it is yellow gold and that is such a blessing that i have recieved from my grandmother,but when i look at my best friend , who is an African American i feel so jealous

is Hairmax Lasercomb involved in a Scam?

When my hair had gone damaged and had stopped growing no matter how i tend it and take care of it.i had almost given up,when one of my friends who was visiting malasyia with her husband told me that she was getting me Hairmax Lasercomb .this reall

what is a Trichologist for?

when i was losing my hair it was my constant worry that how will i gain my hair again and look like the same again.then w

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