Exploring the Best Way to Become a Professional Stylist

If you want to become a personal stylist, it’s important to explore the options of professional training available to you. In such a rapidly growing and competitive field, clients are browsing image consultant resumes in search of someone who stands out. An online certification can be just the thing that sets you apart.

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In the past, heading back to school seemed impossible to fit into an already busy schedule. Luckily, the New York Institute of Art and Design offers a comprehensive series of certificate courses for creative professionals, all of which are accessible entirely online.

Created by some of the greatest minds of the modern style industry such as Forbes Media’s Creative Style Director and NYC Broadway wardrobe designers, NYIAD’s personal style course offers students 6 inclusive units of material. From written lessons, assignments and projects to HD video tutorials, students are given up to 2 years to work through the curriculum at their own pace, with access to a professional personal stylist there to provide real-world insight and advice along the way. Available by phone or email, NYIAD mentors are there to offer students the reliable guidance of an experienced professional as well as the personal networking relationship previously only found in a traditional classroom.

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Working with ambitious creative professionals across the globe, NYIAD mentors teach students to dress clients regardless of age, body type, budget or profession. Starting with the fundamentals of fashion, makeup and color theory, they’re there to help students grow a foundation as an expert of image consulting in preparation to launch a legitimate business and work with clients in the real world.

Plus, thanks to their generous 14 days’ refund policy, all new students are given up to two weeks to browse the material at no risk.

Learn more about this online image consultant course by visiting the website today.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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