Don’t kill your skin with skin bleachers

skin bleaching 64Hanker after healthy skin not after fair skin. Dr. Clive Anderson, consultant dermatologist and venereologist at Nuttall Medical Centre, Jamaica, has hurled this message. Actually, in the recent years, skin bleaching has emerged as a fashion among Jamaican youths, which has given dermatologist a big cause to worry about and this is the reason why products like Neprosone Gel, Hyprogel, Dermo Gel Plus and Movate Cream, etc. have been banned by the Jamaican government.

According to experts, bleaching is harmful for health as it may lead to skin cancer, thinning of the skin, irreversible stretch marks, easy bruising and tearing of the skin, rashes, enlarged blood vessels, susceptibility to infection, delayed wound healing, hyper pigmentation, acne and hormonal disturbances and even to melanoma, one of the leading causes of death in the island.

If we look at the dangers exposed by doctors, then it can be said that bleaching is extremely dangerous to our health. In addition, grimmer fact is that people not only in Jamaica but round the world, are moving under this treat as popularity of such bleaching products is continuously mounting and endangering millions of lives.

Image credit: Free webs

Via: Med India

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