Comfy and Professional Outfit Ideas for Teachers

Professional Outfit Ideas for Teachers

While you may not think that every job requires you to wear a uniform, there is still some sort of dress code in place that will determine how you dress for your job even when a uniform isn’t a requirement. Whether the focus is on professionalism, safety, comfort, or a combination of all, knowing what pieces you should wear to the workplace will help you to be comfortable and stay in accordance of the rules.

For those who are nearing the completion of an early childhood special education online degree at a top-notch school like Bank Street Graduate School of Education, there is no doubt you are starting to give thought to getting a job. Obviously, you want to look professional in the workplace, but as an early childhood special education teacher, there’s a good chance you’ll spend a lot more time being active and moving about than sitting. With that in mind, here’s a look at some comfy and professional outfit ideas you can use.

Comfortable Shoes are a Must

Comfortable Shoes are a MustAs a teacher, few items will be as important as the shoes you pick. This is not the time to worry about what is trending and stylish; your footwear should be all about comfort, support, and good grip. Most schools will also ask that teachers wear closed-toe shoes, so that means no strappy sandals and flip-flops. Some great options include small wedges, flats, and closed-toe loafer style shoes.

Outdoor Clothing for Yard Duty

The majority of teachers will also be responsible for yard duty at least some of the time, so you also want to be prepared for various climates. If you live in an area that experiences four distinct seasons, then you’ll need to have a warm parka and winter boots for the cold months, and then a mid-weight waterproof jacket and waterproof boots for spring and fall. Don’t forget about accessories like gloves, mitts, hats, and scarves.

Skip the Tight Clothing

Skip the Tight ClothingWhen shopping for shirts, pants, jeans, dresses, and skirts, school isn’t the place for overly tight items. This doesn’t mean you have to dress in loose baggy items, just opt for things that fit properly and allow for movement. The idea is that you don’t want to suffer any wardrobe malfunctions so things should fit in the proper manner. You also don’t want to be fiddling and adjusting hems, cuffs, and waistlines all day long.

Layers are Usually Smart

Another tip is to dress in layers. Just because it is cold outside doesn’t mean you’ll be cold indoors. Because teachers tend to be so active and constantly moving around, you can really work up a sweat. Being able to remove a light cardigan and just have a blouse on instead can help to keep you cooler.

Keep Makeup and Jewelry Simple

Keep Makeup and Jewelry Simple

Another tip is to keep your makeup and jewelry simple and basic. Again, it’s about not having to fuss and not have things in your way during your workday.

Choosing Professional and Smart Clothing

At the end of the day, it’s all about choosing clothing that is professional, comfortable, and that makes sense in the work environment.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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