Permanent cure to acne with real oxygen gas


Fashion Monitor reports about the new Echo2 Plus Oxygen Acne Treatment Facial that heals your skin permanently from Acne. The Oxygen therapy is all about letting pure oxygen gas into your skin and flushing out the bacteria causing acne. To quote Debra Thomas, R.N. and Clinical Administrator for The Skin Center Medical Spa:

The Echo2 Plus Oxygen Acne Treatment Facial is effective for active acne because pure oxygen has proven to be a potent anti-bacterial agent.

The facial includes a systematic removal of dead cells by the process of exfoliation, followed by the application of cleansing solution, containing salicylic acid and lactic acid to cleanse pores; and summed-up by the massage of a vitamin mask to hydrate the epidermis of the skin. Oxygen benefits the skin by hydrating the cells and making it look more healthy and young; and now we have acne cure for the first time with real oxygen gas that hydrates the skin cells to deep cleanse the skin.

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