5 Ways to prevent baldness

Receding hairline

Hair loss and a receding hairline is one of the most common problem among both men and women. Hair loss may be a hereditary problem, or may also be caused to due stress, health problems and even lack of proper hair care. Whatever may be the cause of hair loss, following a simple regime of care, hygiene and appropriate food can help to prevent hair loss to a certain extent. Prevention is always better than cure. Here are five simple ways that can help you prevent hair loss.

1. Getting enough sleep
Insufficient sleep leads to stress, which in turn leads to hair loss. While we sleep, our hair grows strong and long. Today’s modern and hectic lifestyle hardly allow us the ideal eight hour sleep every night. Plus most of us have minor or major insomniac problems. But if you want to prevent your hair from falling, try and get the daily eight hours of sleep. If you have sleeping problems, you can try meditation before going to bed. Having a shower before hitting the bed can also be useful.

2. Bath regularly
Excess sebum on your scalp is one of the major cause behind hair fall. Sebum is the oil secreted by our skin cells. Excess sebum on the scalp allows the hair shafts to get filled with dirt which eventually leads to hair fall. So having a daily shower to get rid of the excess sebum on your scalp will prevent hair loss. Use a good conditioner after shampooing your hair to keep your scalp clean.

3. Consume more proteins
Hair is composed of keratin, which is a type of protein. In order to supplement it, we need to consume protein foods. Consuming protein rich foods like oatmeal, eggs, lean meats, legumes, whole grain breads, cottage cheese, almonds and nuts nourishes hair and prevents hair loss. You can also have cod liver oil supplement to ensure strengthening your hair.

4. Go for a scalp massage
Massaging your scalp will increase blood circulation and help to make your hair stronger at their roots. You can go for a hot oil massage before hair wash, which will improve your hair quality and prevent hair loss. Even a simple massage using your finger tips for just five minutes everyday gives visible results in reducing hair loss.

5. Avoid cosmetic products
Popular hair styling products are mostly chemicals which makes your hair look great but at the cost of hair loss and poor hair quality. Avoid hair styling products as much as you can and try using natural hair products like aloe-vera gel. Such natural products will not only make your hair look good but will also improve your hair quality and prevent hair loss.

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