8 Must know facts about body waxing

Body waxing

Almost every woman prefers to get rid of unwanted hair for hygiene and beauty purposes. With there exists numerous hair removal techniques, waxing seems like an economical and easy option. Almost every part of the body can be waxed. Waxing pulls the hairs from root and exfoliates skin, leaving it smooth and silky. Here are a few must know facts about body waxing.

1. Suitable age to undergo waxing

Anyone can undergo waxing regardless of age or gender. If you want to remove unwanted hairs you should start waxing at young age. At this stage hairs are very fine. They are easy to wax and after a long duration (5-6 years) hair growth slows down.

2. Preparations before waxing

If you are worried about pain, you can take Advil pill an hour before waxing. This will reduce the pain during waxing. You can also do scrub a day before waxing. This helps hairs to come off easily without much pain. After a regular waxing pain will be less.

3. Frequency of getting your body waxed

Though it depends on the growth of your hairs but you should wait at least 4-5 weeks or at least a month. If there is an emergency like you want to go on vacation or in party you can go for waxing without any problem. But, if you have shaven recently then you should wait for at least 5-6 days.

4. How is the waxing done at a local parlor or salon/spa

Whenever you go to a salon or spa for waxing ensures that everything is clean and hygienic. The beautician who is doing waxing should clean your skin first with a cleanser and disinfect the area. After that she should apply wax to small areas and remove the hair with a clean strip. Ensure that wax is not too hot otherwise it will cause skin burn. Always see that she should stretch your skin before pulling the strip. Otherwise it will cause your skin to loosen. There are two types of wax; soft wax and hard wax. Soft wax is removed by a cotton or muslin strip while hard wax is removed without strip. Hard wax is generally used to remove hairs from upper lip, eyebrows and bikini area. Soft wax is used on larger areas like hands, legs or armpit. After this she should clean the residue of wax and apply moisturizing lotion. Ensure that the salon or spa where you’re going for wax is clean. The beautician should use clean strips and clean wax stick to do waxing. The cloth she is using to remove residue of wax must be clean or ask her to use tissue paper or cotton. Waxing is painful because the hairs are pulled from roots. But, if you take pain reducing pills before waxing this pain will be minimal.

5. Precaution to be taken before and after waxing

After waxing, scrub or soap should not be used till 48 hours as the skin becomes sensitive after wax. The area which is waxed should not be exposed to sun up to 24 hours. When going out in sun apply sunscreen lotion. As skin gets more sensitive after wax it is more prone to tanning. Scrubbing immediately can cause red bumps on skin and can cause skin irritation. If you feel redness or swelling after waxing you can apply ice to cool the skin or apply cortisone cream.

6. Maintaining waxed skin

After the 5-6 days of waxing you should exfoliate wax area. This will remove the dead skin cells so that pores will not clogged and there will not be ingrown hairs. If you feel bumps on skin do not tweeze them. Tweezing them can cause infection and scars on skin. Apply medicated cream or if problem worsen consult to a skin specialist.

7. Bikini or Brazilian wax?

Bikini waxing is to wax bikini area. It is the most popular waxing area among young girls. It is slightly painful than waxing other parts of body. You should get it done with an expert beautician otherwise result can be worst. Today wax strips are also available in market which gives you smooth skin in the comfort of your home but the results may not that much good.

A Brazilian wax removes more hair (front area, side area, back area) than bikini wax as bikini wax focuses only on bikini area. This depends on your preference which one you chose.

Most women prefer Brazilian wax because of cleanliness, convenience and sexiness. You don’t want your hairs to peep out when you are sitting at beach in your swim suit. Some are OK with eyebrows but not with Brazilian or bikini wax but some are OK with bikini wax but not with waxing their legs. Pain will be less when you undergo waxing regularly. The hair will become fine and there will be less pain when waxed.

8. Time to avoid waxing

Waxing hurts more a week before your period. So, it is better that you go after a week. It’s about comfort. Waxing should be avoided exactly after bath or after sun exposure. First timers will be scared because they are embarrassed. It doesn’t matter when you should go for wax. You can go for wax whenever you want according to your comfort and convenience.

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