5 Tips to tame your mane in summer

Hair during summers

While the warmth of summer is always a welcome change after long months of freezing cold, we women tend to get worried about our hair as soon as summer season begins to show up. Scorching heat makes our hair dull and lifeless and it becomes all the more important to take care of our hair during this season. Here, we present five tips to maintain our mane and maintain their soft and shiny look even during the hot and humid months.

1. Regular trims

Our hair tend to grow unevenly and they become all the more unmanageable during the months of summer. Uneven growth also makes them fall flat and they lose the shape and volume. In order to keep your hair in shape it is important that you get your mane trimmed regularly. Every two months get a trim done by a professional in a salon and maintain your style. Once your hair are in proper shape you can make different hairdos suitable for summers like pigtails, ponytails, buns, braids, etc.

2. Remove buildup from hair

As we use different products in our hair, the residues of these products begin to set in our hair and over a period of time that gets too much and make our hair dull and limp. Sweat, during summer months, further bog down our hair and steal shine from our crowning glory so it is very important to remove the build up from our hair. The easiest way to do so is to take a pinch of baking soda and add it to a tea spoon of shampoo and wash off your hair with this solution. Do this once in a month and your hair will be build up free.

Brushing can help hair in many ways

3. Clean hair regularly

During summer season the dust, sweat and grime tend to collect quickly in our hair so it is essential that we clean our hair regularly. Use gentle shampoos and keep your hair grime free. You can use some good shampoos on a daily basis also. If your hair are not very oily then you can follow up shampooing with a good conditioner. The conditioner will help you curb down the frizziness of hair caused by humidity.

4. Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch

When it gets too hot the blow drier should be better avoided because this extra heat will make your hair totally dry and frizzy. Scrunch your wet hair with the help of some gel or mousse and then use a hair spray over your hair. It will tame your hair well without blow drying and will make you look good as ever.

Scrunching is a good idea during summers

5. Brush your hair daily

Brushing your hair daily upside down will ensure that the oils are spread evenly in the scalp and your hair get rid of any tangles and dirt and grime. Brushing your hair upside down will also stimulate blood circulation and will lead top shinier hair over a period of time.

These tips will help you get through hot months of summer with a shiny and attractive mane.

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