5 Things to Know Before Getting a Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck

Tummy tucks are one of the most common cosmetic surgeries. Many men and women are sensitive about excess fat on their stomach. It’s a common problem, but one that’s difficult to get rid of. After a large weight loss or pregnancy, you’ll also have to deal with sagging skin that can make your stomach look larger than it is. For anyone who has struggled with excess skin and fat on their stomach, the best solution is a tummy tuck.

If you’re considering getting a tummy tuck, here are five things that you should know beforehand.

There’s more than one type of tummy tuck

tummy tuckBefore you get a tummy tuck, you’ll have to decide on your goals. What kind of results are you looking to get from it? Something that not many people know is that there’s more than one type of tummy tuck you can get. This allows you to choose the extent of your procedure and how you want your body to look. The smallest type is a mini tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck will be best for anyone who has an issue with their lower belly and requires only a small incision. The most common tummy tuck is a full tummy tuck. This treats the areas above and below the belly button. During a full tummy tuck, one longer incision is made, although sometimes a second is required. The tummy tuck that covers the most area is the extended tummy tuck. An extended tummy tuck will treat the upper and lower abdomen, as well as the sides.

Tummy tucks aren’t intended for weight loss

Tummy tucks are widely thought of as a way to lose weight. An average amount of weight removed during a tummy tuck is around five pounds, although it could be more depending on the person. Overall, a tummy tuck won’t have much of an effect on your weight, although you will be able to see it on your stomach. You should already be at your goal weight when you get a tummy tuck done. Any weight gain could also force you to lose the results of the tummy tuck.

A tummy tuck will leave a scar

tummy tuckMost people think that any cosmetic surgery you get won’t leave a scar. This is not true and most procedures typically do leave some type of scar, including a tummy tuck. Depending on the type of tummy tuck you get, the size of the scar will vary. Those getting a mini tummy tuck will have the smallest scar, while an extended tummy tuck will leave you with the largest and most noticeable scar. Your tummy tuck scar will likely go unnoticed by most people, even when you have your stomach exposed. Most surgeons will place the incisions in a spot that will be hidden by clothing and bathing suits.

Tummy tucks have a long recovery time

Some don’t realize that cosmetic surgeries should be treated the same as any other surgery. A tummy tuck is a very invasive procedure, no matter which one you have done. You take on the same risks during a tummy tuck that you would for any other surgery. This means that recovering from one will be the same as any other surgery. Before you get one, you should understand that a tummy tuck has a long time for recovery. The full amount of time it takes to recover from surgery depends on which type of tummy tuck you had done. Most people can return to work within 2 weeks after the procedure.  In the first six weeks following a tummy tuck, you could experience pain and swelling. It can take up to a full year to heal completely from getting a tummy tuck.

You’ll need help at home after your tummy tuck

tummy tuckWhile you’re recovering from your tummy tuck, you’ll need extra hands to help around the house. This is especially important for those who have small children. Any heavy lifting could injure the area where the incision was made. It could also take some time for you to be able to drive again. Even if you aren’t in any significant pain, you’ll likely feel tired and unable to do much physical activity due to healing from the surgery.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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