4 Things You Shouldn’t Skip in Your Beauty Regimen

Beauty Regimen

Pretty hair, gorgeous manicured nails, and glowing skin. These all sound like items on your daily or weekly beauty regimen which you probably follow like the law. A lot of what we do to look good takes some effort and some thought, but when it’s done right, it really pays off, and we look amazing and can put our best foot forward.

Because we focus so much on these things, we sometimes miss out on other parts of our beauty regimen that are important, too. These things may not be the most glamorous or as easily noticeable, but they should be part of our regular upkeep, maintenance and self-care. These things also become more important as we grow older and our skin and hair requires more attention.

What are some of the things that we ignore that we should definitely be paying attention to as people who take care of themselves and take pride in being well-groomed? Here are a few ideas.

1.      Face Moisturizing

MoisturizingTaking care of your face is so important. First and foremost, regular moisturizing can decrease the change of skin problems. This is because it helps maintain and balance the skin on your face, preventing it from becoming too oily or too dry. Furthermore, studies have shown that those who moisturize their skin can reduce wrinkles and help the skin stay young. However, it’s important that you use natural skin care to avoid harsh chemicals that could do more harm than good.

Ultimately, everything works together to create a person with every inch of their body that is taken care of, looks good and is loved. So next time you’re applying your weekly face mask or taking a long and luxurious soaker bath, don’t neglect these other parts we’ve also mentioned. There’s nothing wrong with going that extra mile and just being really thorough. All in all, you’ll feel like a much better version of yourself.

2.      Scrubbing Your Lips

We all pay attention to our lips of course when we apply our lipstick, gloss or balm, but our lips are made of skin and should be given extra attention like we do to our faces. When it comes to our faces, we don’t just wash and apply moisturizer, we also have to exfoliate regularly. Our lips are no different.

One of the causes of a lack of pop with your lip makeup is that youneed a really good lip exfoliation to remove all the dead skin to keep them soft. Sometimes if you find that your lips feel rough even after applying a few coats of lip balm, it’s time to consider exfoliation. The great thing is, you can actually make your own lip exfoliant right at home. To make your own, all you need to do is mix some honey, brown sugar and a little bit of lavender oil.

Apply the mix to your lips and scrub using your finger. Scrub for 2 minutes, rinse and apply a great lip balm.

3.      Your Scalp

Keep your hair clean

We pay a lot of attention to our locks, making sure to shampoo, condition, brush and trim regularly, but very often we leave our scalp out of the mix completely. Your scalp isn’t just an extra thing you need to do, it actually has an impact on how strong your hair is and how shiny your hair looks. It can even help make your hair thicker and more healthy-looking. So make sure you avoid having a dry scalp by applying regular moisturizer to it. Some women use a tiny bit of coconut oil every so often, or just a bit of leave-in conditioner. This will also help if you’re prone to dry or flaky scalp. It will do wonders!

4.      Your Elbows and Knees

Knees and elbows require as much moisturization as our body skin but sometimes we totally miss them in our upkeep. They don’t require a lot though, but a little extra lotion, and even baby oil, to keep the skin soft and healthy. It just means taking a little extra time after a shower to just give some extra rubs with a hand full of lotion. You can also apply oil and then cover with a sock once every week to really seal in the moisture.

When it comes to looking good and taking care of your face, hair and body skin, it’s so easy to put all of your energy and focus on the more noticeable stuff. We can easily only focus on the stuff that’s really evident on the surface, but we should do more than that. Taking care of yourself is all about taking care of the whole body, even the parts only you know to care about. Paying attention to those things can actually have an impact on the more noticeable parts too. A healthy scalp means healthy hair, and exfoliated lips mean really good lipstick application and appearance.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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