3 Home remedies to deal with thinning hair in women

Thinning hair

Thinning of hair and hair loss are common problems faced by women these days. Chemically laden beauty products can be one of the major causes. The hair loss can affect the looks and thus the confident level. Perturbed by such problems, women often turn to commercial products to seek redemption, but all efforts go in vain. In fact, many such products further deteriorate the condition because of the harmful chemicals they are made up of. Although several technologically advanced treatments are available nowadays to treat the problem of thinning hair, one should try out the home remedies.

1. Essential oils

Certain aromatherapy essential oils like Cypress essential Oil, Lavender essential Oil, Jojoba oil, Rosemary essential oil, Avocado oil have a therapeutic effect when massaged onto the scalp. They do not just relieve the stress levels, but also increase the blood circulation. Cypress, lavender and jojoba work as a good combination and also jojoba oil mixed with rosemary and avocado oil work equally fine. Mix all the essential oils that you plan to use in equal amounts and massage gently onto your scalp. Leave it on for half an hour and then rinse it off using a mild shampoo.

2. Vegetable therapy

You face the problem of thinning hair when your hair is dying of thirst i.e. they do not get the right nutrition and blood supply. Some vegetables from your kitchen can be effectively used to considerably reduce hair thinning. Rub peeled and cut onion onto the scalp where you are experiencing hair loss. This would pump more blood into that area and hair follicles would feel adequately nourished. Capsicum is another great home remedy for thinning hair because it speeds up growth and strength. Just put some dry capsicum or red bell pepper in boiling water and let it boil for 7-10 minutes. Let it cool and then apply it onto your scalp. It is a great tonic. Natural Aloe Vera gel is another miracle home remedy. Mix some natural Aloe Vera gel with almond oil or olive oil and gently massage onto your scalp. This would cool and soothe the scalp, giving your hair the much needed nourishment and energy to grow back.

3. Simple lifestyle changes

There are a few very simple exercises that naturally speed up hair growth and reverse the hair loss process. Rub your fingernails against each other back and forth for 10-15 minutes daily in your leisure time. There are certain nerves connected to the fingernails that stimulate the hair follicles. Massage your neck and do some back and shoulder stretching exercises that also involve bending your head down. This would ensure enough blood supply to the head. Also try to sleep without a pillow. When you are lying flat, there would be a even blood circulation throughout your body. Other than this, Homeopathy, Ayurveda and other alternative therapies are very effective and they do not have any side effects.

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