10 Easy Steps for a More Photogenic Smile

beautiful smiling woman

Some people have a naturally photogenic smile. With seemingly no effort, they’re able to smile in a way that’s charming and consistent—and they have the perfectly white, straight teeth to add the finishing touch. The rest of us have to work for it.

Fortunately, it’s possible for anyone to cultivate a more photogenic smile, though it may take some effort to make it happen.

Improving Your Teeth

If you’re unsatisfied with how your teeth currently look, there are some steps that can improve them: 

1. Find a good dentist (and go regularly):

Find a good dentistFirst, try to find a good dentist in your local area. A dentist will not only help you identify and correct structural problems with your teeth, but they’ll also work with you regularly for cleanings and checkups to make sure you stay in good health. Finding a good dentist in Albuquerque or another major city can almost instantly take your oral health to the next level.

2. Brush with gentle whitening toothpaste:

Many major toothpaste brands offer a whitening variant of their core product, meant to improve the white color of your teeth. Brushing regularly is the best way to keep your teeth clean and healthy, and the whitening factor in your toothpaste can make it even more effective.

3. Consider braces or clear aligners:

clear alignersIf your teeth feel crooked or out of alignment, you may need the help of an additional product or adjustment to keep them straight. For example, you might consider braces or a transparent aligner.

4. Obtain dental alterations:

Similarly, if you’re self-conscious about your smile because of a visual defect or piece of damage, you can probably have it corrected. For example, a dental implant can replace a missing tooth, or a filling can repair a small hole or chip in your tooth. These alterations tend to be expensive, so they’re not in everyone’s budget, but they can be a great way to improve the look of your smile (and your confidence at the same time).

5. Be careful with whitening products:

teeth discomfort

There are a variety of whitening products you can use to make your teeth even whiter, but while most of them are generally regarded as safe, the overuse of some of these products could cause damage or discomfort in your teeth. If you’re not sure about the safety or reliability of a whitening product, make sure to ask your dentist. Your dentist may also have a recommendation for a professional-grade whitener.

6. Give up cigarettes:

Cigarettes are notorious for causing yellowy, brownish stains on the teeth. If you smoke regularly, it’s only a matter of time before your teeth begin to grow discolored—even with the use of whitening products. Given the other negative effects of smoking cigarettes, your best choice is giving up cigarettes altogether.

7. Drink plenty of water:

Drink plenty of waterDrinking water is good for your overall health, but it’s especially good for supporting your smile. Keeping yourself hydrated and consuming water with fluoride can naturally fight cavities, and wash away the bacteria and food residue that can cause oral health problems later on. Being adequately hydrated can also make you feel more energetic and more confident, which can help you smile more effectively.

Improving Your Smile

Even with “perfect” teeth, there are a few steps you’ll want to take for a warmer, more inviting smile:

8. Smile genuinely:

Smile genuinelyMost people can tell the difference between a fake smile and a real one. Even if you’re “fake” smiling, there are a few things you can do to make your smile seem more genuine. Sincere smiles tend to have more pinching at the corners of the mouth, and more wrinkles around the eyes. If it looks like you’re forcing your smile, it’s not going to work—no matter how much dental work you have done.

9. Don’t forget about your eyes:

The eyes and teeth work together to exhibit an effective smile. People tend to look each other in the eyes first, which they use to gauge emotion; if your eyes aren’t in line with your smile, it could throw off your entire look.

10. Practice in a mirror:

Practice-in-a-mirrorIt’s hard to learn to smile genuinely or “smile with your eyes” without the help of a mirror. When you’re by yourself, try smiling in a few different ways, and see how they look to another person. You might be surprised at the discrepancy between how each smile feels and how it looks.

Some of these options may be out of your budget or out of your comfort zone, but at least some of them should be accessible. Work on your teeth and work on your presentation, and you should feel more comfortable with your smile.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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