Top 21 Sunscreen lotions

sunny skin

Choosing the right sunscreen lotion withe right SPF is very important. If you really want to cut out skin cancer then an SPF15 is the minimum requirement.

But in all the cases, skin type, age of the skin and other skin problems contribute to decide the right SPF for your skin.

Columnist Charlotte Haigh lists out 21 best sunscreens with the right SPF formulation for your skin. The sunscreens are categorised into the following:

1. Sunscreen for Kids
2. Sunscreen for slimming legs and hands
3. Sunscreen for Oily Skin
4. Sunscreen for glowing skin
5. Sunscreen for everyday use
6. Sunscreen for sensitive skin
7. Sunscreen for Cooling effect.

There are 3 SPF formulations in each of the categories and it also points out the method of applications and the ways to cope up with sunburns.

Read Top 21 sunscreens

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