The miraculous vitamin E

Vitamin E rich Food

If you include vitamin E in your diet, you are bound to have a healthy and glowing skin. It is known to wrought miracles to your skin and make you look young. Vitamin E has a series of organic compounds that consists of various phenols. It is known as a fat soluble vitamin with very strong anti-oxidant properties. There is no doubt that vitamin E slows down the process of aging as it works as an anti aging antioxidant. So, if you want to fight back the sign of aging and look young, add vitamin E in your diet to get amazing results. You can add it to your diet as natural food or as supplements.

1. Vitamin E rich food

a. Wheat germ oil: It helps in curing dryness of skin and gives it a glow.
b. Almonds: Nourishes the skin and makes it look young and healthy.
c. Soyabean oil: It reduces appearance of wrinkles on skin and makes it smooth and soft.
d. Raw tomato: Tomatoes are known to have cooling elements that soothe raw skin. They are also known to have astringents which remove excess oil from skin.
e. Kiwi: It tightens the skin pores and helps in removing dark spots from the skin.
f. Spinach: Helps in making skin healthy and beautiful.

2. Ensure that your diet should have following ingredients to get an anti aging effect on your skin:

a. Beta Carotene: 5000 IU at least two times a day.
b. Alpha-Lipoic Acid: 300 mg at least one or two times in a day.
c. Vitamin C: 250 mg one or two times in a day.
d. Vitamin E: 400 IU two times in a day.
e. Zinc: 100 mg daily

Apart from slowing down the aging process in an individual vitamin E is beneficial to the body in the following ways:
a. It helps to protect skin against ultraviolet radiations that comes from the sun.
b. It helps the body cells to communicate more efficiently.
c. Helps in preventing the damage caused by free radicals.
d. Can save you from diseases like Alzheimers and prostate cancer.
e. It helps in reducing effects of pollution on body.

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