The Best Natural Astringents in the World

astringentCleansing opens the pores of our skin and hence makes them more prone to bacteria. Therefore, it is very important to close the clean open pores to maintain the cleansing effect. The cleansing effect is rightly maintained by following it-up with astringents, which contracts the tissue fibers and hence closes the open pores.

We get commercial astringents in the market. But it is better to search the kitchen cabinets and find the best astringents in the world, instead of pouring out our purses on commercial astringents. Some of the natural astringents are as listed out in an article. They are as follows:

1. Lemon Juice.

2. An equal combination of peach puree and lemon juice.

3. Bed of cucumbers on face.

4. Tomato Juice.

5. Gel of an Aloe Vera spine.

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