Skin pampering beauty drink from Coco-Cola

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Women’s search for eternal beauty never ceases and they are willing to spend on any thing that will claim to add more beauty and glow on their skin. It seems that the people at Coco-Cola are cashing in on the idea of a beauty drink to pamper the needs of women.

Coco-cola has been manufacturing drinks to quench your thirst and this time it has come out with another drink to quench women’s thirst for beauty. It has partnered with L’oreal to make Lumae– a tea based drink which is supposed to have all the ingredients to make your skin glow.

We all know the benefits of drinking green tea which is rich in anti oxidants that help fight aging and weight loss. As much as I know these benefits, I am a bit lazy when it comes to actually preparing it. If someone offered me a beauty drink where I don’t have to go through the process of preparing it, I would probably jump at it and that’s exactly what Coco-cola is doing.

Lumae will be marketed as a beauty drink aimed at women over 25 rather than a soft drink. The product is still in the developmental stages and will hit the market by 2008. So, I’ll still have to depend a while on others to make this beauty drink before I can stock up my fridge with loads of cans of Lumae.


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