Seductive Hot Oil Wrap for silky skin on the beach

hot oil wrapDry skin tends to get drier when exposed to beach areas and the latest in this is segment is Seductive Hot Oil Wrap. This spa package claims to moisturize the dry skin with rich aromatherapy oils that penetrates directly into the skin and hydrates it. Doubtless of the fact that oil wraps come in form of a balm base which, when heated, melts into the skin and provides it with necessary emollients when at the beach.

Though the essential oils in the hot oil wrap is not revealed, yet it is clear that rose oil, lavender oil, coconut oil, jasmine oil and other aromatherapy oils are used to lessen the effect of dry rashes on skin, enhance blood circulation and replace the dead skin layer with new skin.

Seductive Hot Oil Wrap is available in the online retail store of Waterfall Spa for £80.00. The suggested massage period is 60 minutes, to let the oils penetrate into dry skin. There are so many aromatic oils that an addition of an extra emollient into your skin would only add to its glow.

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