Is regenix worth trying for chemically treated hair?

One of my friends has advised me to go for regenix, as I am experiencing huge hair loss, ever since I got my hair treated for straightening. She said that in the advertisement they promise 30 days money back guarantee if the product falls against you. However, when I read a few reviews about the regenix products, they were kind of mix. Few of them found it worth trying, while others called it a scam! I want to know from some hair expert now, whether regenix can indeed help me preventing hair loss after hair straightening! Moreover, since they have some products in a local chemist store in my vicinity, I want to know whether I would still need to visit their clinic or I can simply buy the shampoo and cleansing lotion and start using them as its directions! Please advise me appropriately, as I don’t want to spend exorbitantly after straightening my hair now! Thanks.

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