Pros and Cons: Laser hair comb

Laser hair comb

Hair loss can be effectively dealt with laser techniques. However, it might not be possible for all to take out time and money for hair restoration. The easiest way to use laser technology to deal with hair loss at the convenience of home, is to use a laser comb. The rays for these combs come in contact with the scalp and open the pores and treat it, so that, they obstructed growth can gain the required space and bounce back. If you are planning to get hold of a laser comb, weigh your decision with the list of pros and cons, we have compiled here.

1. Pros of using hair laser comb

a. User-friendly

The main advantage of using laser hair comb is that you can use it anywhere and everywhere as per your convenience. All you have to do is to plug-it-in and start styling out your favorite style. Using it every day will increase the growth of your hair as they would receive daily treatment instead of treatment appointments.

b. Pocket-friendly

The grand price of this type of laser comb may put you in dilemma. But, if you calculate wisely then you will see that the total cost of product is much less compared to all those laser treatments and medicines used during visit, including the doctor’s fee.

c. Witness the early results

Any hair laser comb is required to be used 3-4 times a week for maximum 15 minutes. If it used properly and as advised, you can see the result in hair growth within 15-20 days which compared to treatment in clinic is early. Clinical treatments will require minimum of 3 months to give you your desired hair growth.

d. Chemicals free

Most of the medicines and gels available in market for re-gaining lost hair contain many chemicals which in long run can damage your hair. The best part of using these combs is that you do not have to worry about the chemicals.

2. Cons of using hair laser comb

a. Implementing

Laser hair combs must be used as mentioned in guide book to get desired results. The technique should be correct otherwise it may not work like you want. Make sure that the teeth of the comb and your scalp are in contact, so that, the rays can stimulate the growth.

b. Over all result

The main disadvantage of using laser hair comb would be that you would be using it on your own risk. If not used properly, results may be adverse. While in clinic, you do not have to worry about it. Also, the stimulation provided on using these combs is much less than clinical treatment but if used at regular interval; it can prove beneficial.

c. Myth

The common myth related to usage of this comb is that, if used in abundant amount the result would be double. This myth is strict no-no because any appliance used in generous amount may work in wrong way.

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