Which professional hair dryer should I opt for myself amidst Philips and Karmin G3 for thick black hair?

I had a Conair compact hair dryer until recently, and its AC motor was 1000watts, however, it never worked well on my thick black hair. I wanted to buy another professional hair dryer for myself now, however, I am not sure which brand should I go for! A friend advised me to check Philips hair dryer with 1400watts, but I am keen on getting some professional assistance from some hair expert whether you find Philips or Karmin G3 the best for the hair of my type. Moreover, since I am just 13, my mom has advised me not to overuse hair dryer for my hair, or else it would damage my hair! I would, thus, like to know, if I should get a 1400watts motor hair dryer, or 1800watts, so that it takes less time in drying and styling my hair! Please advice appropriately, I shall be thankful to you!

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