Nivea Visage Aqua Sensation Gel-Creme to keep skin fresh and radiant all day long

visage1 7Skin loses its glow as it gets stressed throughout the day, but Nivea’s new Aqua Sensation Gel-Creme claims to rejuvenate and hydrate the skin to impart a fresher look to the skin throughout the day. Apparently formulated for normal and combination skin with ginseng, cucumber extracts and magnesium the gel base claims to be oil-free for giving your skin a fresher look.

Facts provide that ginseng contains many vitamins and texture improvement substances to rejuvenate skin, while natural magnesium aids in skin metabolism and cell-building, and cucumber is known to hydrate and soothe the skin. As the gel is specifically formulated for normal and combination skin, it is not advisable for those with oily or dry skin to apply the gel. Priced at $14.99 the light texture of the gel can make it a perspective daily-moisturizer and it can be also considered to firm-up the wrinkles of ageing skin.

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