Make Up Guides

6 Sixty seconds beauty tips

Whether its a business gathering, a conference, a family get together or an evening party, you would hardly find time to spend hours in front of the mirror. Quick beauty tips would form an essential part of every woman’s beauty regime. Here are some sixty

Can I have some advice for brown eye make up?

I have a light brown, olive complexion and dark brown eyes. I’m trying to make my dark eyes appear lighter. I was wondering if you could help me by telling me what eye shadow, mascara and hair colors would do that. I don’t want to wear contacts, but I wan

I want some tips on how to apply mascara?

I was wondering if you could tell me what hues of eye shadow, mascara, liner, and lipstick would look good on me. I have olive-brown eyes, chestnut-brown hair and very pale ghostly skin. Can anyone give me some tips on how to apply mascara to give more vo

Does temperature affects your make up?

I am an occasional cross dresser and I want to go attic this weekend. It has been over 100 degrees here the last couple of days and who knows how hot in the attic. Is all of my makeup going to be melted? Will I be able to use melted makeup with makeup bru

Can anyone guide me about eye make up?

I’m about 20 with black hair, blue eyes and a very pale complexion. My problem is I never know what kind of eye make-up to use because most of my features are already so dramatic by themselves. I like that gothic look but for that too much of make-up is r

What is the correct way to apply foundation?

I am 18 years old and am caramel skin tone. I wear MAC foundation and it works really well. Now the only problem lies in,that it comes off on everything. It gets on people whom I hug and on my fingers and on everything I touch. It hardly stays on and afte

Can you give me some tips to do face make up?

I have never used makeup.I never had anyone to tell me what colors to use? I have dark brown hair and my skin tone is kind of pale. I would appreciate it if anyone could help me out with telling me how to do face make up and so on. I would prefer a natura

Can anyone tell me the eye make up for hazel eyes?

I am getting ready for prom and I cannot figure out what to do for eye shadow. I have a hazel eye. I am wearing a black and hot pink .I have silver and black jewelry. I am fairly tan and I have light brown hair. Please advise me. Thanks.

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