Make up tips for a night out

Going for a night-out lady? Then you must indulge yourself in a complete make up regime because might make up is slightly heavier than the day make up. Whether it’s a night out at lounge or to any discotheque, the night make up has certain rules that if followed can make you a style diva at the do. So try out the following make up tips to get the best look of yours:

Make up tips for a night out

  • For dry skin you may use a tinted foundation to give a natural look on your face.
  • If your skin is oily then make sure that you use only pancake for removing that greasy look from your face.
  • Your skin should look supple yet sensuous at the night party, so give a smooth look to it by applying cream rouge that is easy to spread over the skin.
  • For a night out, your clothes are usually stylish and opulent; hence your make up should match up with the dress. Frosted eye-shadow is the most suited color for your eye make up. But keep in mind to make the correct choice of eye-shadow as a wrong one can make you look awful.
  • Eye liner is the next thing for the heavy night out eye make up. A dark colored eye liner or may be matching with your dress is the best suited. Apply the eye liner smoothly above the upper lid of your eye and try to make it as close as possible to the eye lashes. You may put 2-3 coats of the liner to give fuller look to your eyes.
  • To get thick lashes, put mascara that can fatten each and every fringe of the lashes.
  • After cream rouge, its now turn to put some powder on the face. Apply is smoothly all over the face including the neck. Avoid making your eyebrows powdery.
  • For neck, apply the same amount of cream rouge and powder so that it doesn’t look odd in comparison to your face.
  • Blush on your cheeks, slightly over forehead, chin and nose.
  • Nose, chin and temples should be properly highlighted with a good highlighter to give a glowing look to your face during night.

These make up tips are enough for you to create buzz among your friends in the party.

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