Hair Guide

I am looking for hair highlights for thin and dry hair.

I have black hair and I want to try some hair highlights and I want to know is it safe to use such highlights for thin and dry hair? I have a fair complexion and brown eyes so please suggest me which color will suit me. Also tell me the cost of hair highl

Can you give me some tips on male hair loss treatment?

Hi I am 25 year old male and recently I have started losing hair. I can easily see the front of my head getting bald and I am really worried as my friends has started teasing me. I was wondering if anyone could tell me that what I can do in order to overc

Can you suggest me some cool hairstyles for short hair?

When I had long hair I used to do lot of styles with it . As now I have short hair I don’t know what to do with it and how to style my hair. I was wondering if anyone could tell me some hairstyles for short hair. Please show me the pictures to get an id

I am looking for hair style for long hair.

I have long black hair and I am looking for hair cut that can suit on me. I have fair complexion and round face. Please tell me the hairstyle that can add volume to my hair and will not make my hair look to short. Please tell me the name of site where I c

4 Ways to get rid of pubic hair

The growing of hair in the pubic area is a natural phenomenon in human beings. One would like to get rid of the hair growth in the pubic region for hygiene purposes. Here are a few ways to get rid of pubic hair. 1. Shaving Shaving is the shortest way t

Can you tell me about female hair loss products?

Hi I am 24 and I want to know about female hair loss products. Please tell me about the products that I can use to stop the breakage of my hair. Also tell me that what are these products made off and are these animal tested or not? Thank you.

I am looking for easy prom hairstyles.

I am 17 and my friend has invited me out for prom night. As it is my first time that I am going out with him I want to look sexy and gorgeous. So I want to know about some easy prom hair styles. I have ling hair and they are brown in color so please show

Can you give me some tips for growing long hair?

I am looking for some hair growing tips. I have tried a lot of things but nothing seemed to work for me. I don’t know where the problem lies. I have noticed that when my aunt used the same method her hair grew long. So I was wondering if there are any k

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