Hair coloring giving rise to skin allergies

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Despite rise in allergy cases there is a craze for hair coloring, British Medical Journal (BMJ) observes.

According to experts compound para-phenylenediamine, also called PPD and some other chemicals, which are found in hair coloring products, give rise to several kinds of skin allergies.

Previous studies have also dubbed para-phenylenediamine or PPD as an allergy-monger that causes eczema on the face or around the hairline. Besides, in some cases the reaction is so severe that the victim’s face swells up and causes painful bruising, needing hospital treatment.

Unfortunately, PPD allergy is restricted to not only countries like England, Germany, etc. but it has diffused in countries like Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, and Singapore as well. The severity of the problem can be assessed from the point according to which where a clinic in London reported to have just 5 to 11 patients every year in the period of 1965-75 with skin allergy, while now the figure tops the 40 mark quite easily. According to an estimate, such figures could be approaching the height of about 1.3 million in Germany alone.

Actually, people are adopting such life-threatening fashion trends just to keep pace with the modern lifestyle. However, declaring hair color utterly harmful would also not be right because where some studies have dubbed hair color harmful, at the same time we can’t keep back those studies which have dubbed hair colors quite safe.

Image credit: Hairs Talent

Via: DNA India

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